Lama dah tak update, busy keje, busy sakit. Aku selalu nampak kental tapi sebenarnya aku macam nak try nak erase ker aper ker entah? or aku cuba lupa kan kesedihan, bukan tak sayang, entah takder jawapan. Aku rindu arwah ayah sebenarnya, menaip pun boleh nangis. Apatah lagi kalau orang cuba ajak berbual pasal ayah, benda yang aku try lari and avoid, mesti mengalir airmata. Kalau sakit walaupun tak jumpa doctor ayah ubatkan dulu, ayah yang buat solat hajat, semuanya ayah dulu. Allah sayang ayah, ayah dah dapat tempat dia terpilih di bulan yang sangat mulia, aku pun mahu seperti itu, aku rindu ayah sangat-sangat, aku masih memilih mahu menjadi anak yang mendengar pesan, aku masih memilih untuk tidak lukakan hati ibu. Al-Fatihah untuk arwah ayah
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Should you send your child to daycare?
One article that i read this morning from (Should-you-send-your-child-to-daycare), which i like to share with others working mother like me, i dont know for case like my daughter Alya, ya i saw she's a bit aggresive too and i dont know whether its genetic or elevated the stress hormon or else but the articles did mentioned the findings are mixed, i dont know.
But like me. Ibu nak tolong abah ringankan beban abah and ibu kerja nak tolong mak and ibu, nak balas jasa mak dgn arwah ayah sekolahkan ibu tinggi-tinggi and ibu nak jadi orang yang berjaya and capai cita-cita ibu, sedih sebenarnya dari dulu kena tinggalkan anak di child care whole day and selalu she will be the last person, hati ibu mana lah yang tak sedih, and since she's baby sampai lah masuk kindergarden
I copy & paste the article here, sharing is caring hehe
There has been a great deal of research on daycare, but the findings are mixed. Some experts believe that children do just fine when placed in a high-quality daycare centre staffed by well-trained workers. In fact, they argue that kids from low-income backgrounds often receive more intellectual stimulation in a good daycare than they do at home, which may contribute to higher academic achievement once they enter school.
But other research has produced some very different findings, leading another group of analysts to draw contrasting conclusions. Certain studies, for instance, indicate that young children often suffer negative effects when they are separated from their mothers and placed in a daycare facility for many hours each week. Longitudinal research shows that kids who are placed in daycare beginning at an early age and for long periods of time each day may have behavioural problems when they enter kindergarten. There is evidence to suggest that these children are more likely to be disruptive in the classroom, aggressive with their peers, and disrespectful toward adults.
Still another body of research suggests that some children placed in daycare have elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their bloodstream. Cortisol is the hormone that is present in the blood when we experience fear or anxiety. In some children, cortisol levels rise in direct proportion to the amount of time they spend each day at a daycare facility.
Focus on the Family takes the position that, whenever possible, women with young children should make every effort to put their kids first and their career second. As we understand it, the most reliable research indicates that very young children do best in every area of measurement when they are allowed to thrive under a mother's care at home. At the same time, we are keenly aware that circumstances don't always permit a mum to make this choice. A variety of factors may make her employment outside the home unavoidable. Financial pressures, marital disruptions, a disabled spouse - these are just some of the conditions that may force wives and mothers into the workplace. Such circumstances are regrettable, but sometimes they are realities with which we have to live. We are sensitive to the plight of both married and single moms who must work out of necessity, and we believe in supporting and encouraging them in this difficult task.
To return to the specifics of your case, you didn't mention why your husband wants to place your child in daycare. If he simply wants you to supplement the family income, we would challenge him to re-examine his priorities, especially if you aren't struggling financially at the present time. If his motive for having you go back to work is to provide the funding for a higher standard of living - in other words, to buy a bigger home or a nicer car - the two of you are going to have to sit down together and ask yourselves some tough questions. In the larger scheme of things, is affluence really more important than the well-being of your child?
Speaking of finances, it might be a good idea to “crunch the numbers” and see how your potential return to the workforce looks on paper. When you figure in the high cost of quality daycare, the possibility of a jump to a higher tax bracket, and the extra money you'll need to spend on gas, clothes and other work-related expenses, you may decide that the added income you expect to derive from a job will be minimal at best.
But other research has produced some very different findings, leading another group of analysts to draw contrasting conclusions. Certain studies, for instance, indicate that young children often suffer negative effects when they are separated from their mothers and placed in a daycare facility for many hours each week. Longitudinal research shows that kids who are placed in daycare beginning at an early age and for long periods of time each day may have behavioural problems when they enter kindergarten. There is evidence to suggest that these children are more likely to be disruptive in the classroom, aggressive with their peers, and disrespectful toward adults.
Still another body of research suggests that some children placed in daycare have elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their bloodstream. Cortisol is the hormone that is present in the blood when we experience fear or anxiety. In some children, cortisol levels rise in direct proportion to the amount of time they spend each day at a daycare facility.
Focus on the Family takes the position that, whenever possible, women with young children should make every effort to put their kids first and their career second. As we understand it, the most reliable research indicates that very young children do best in every area of measurement when they are allowed to thrive under a mother's care at home. At the same time, we are keenly aware that circumstances don't always permit a mum to make this choice. A variety of factors may make her employment outside the home unavoidable. Financial pressures, marital disruptions, a disabled spouse - these are just some of the conditions that may force wives and mothers into the workplace. Such circumstances are regrettable, but sometimes they are realities with which we have to live. We are sensitive to the plight of both married and single moms who must work out of necessity, and we believe in supporting and encouraging them in this difficult task.
To return to the specifics of your case, you didn't mention why your husband wants to place your child in daycare. If he simply wants you to supplement the family income, we would challenge him to re-examine his priorities, especially if you aren't struggling financially at the present time. If his motive for having you go back to work is to provide the funding for a higher standard of living - in other words, to buy a bigger home or a nicer car - the two of you are going to have to sit down together and ask yourselves some tough questions. In the larger scheme of things, is affluence really more important than the well-being of your child?
Speaking of finances, it might be a good idea to “crunch the numbers” and see how your potential return to the workforce looks on paper. When you figure in the high cost of quality daycare, the possibility of a jump to a higher tax bracket, and the extra money you'll need to spend on gas, clothes and other work-related expenses, you may decide that the added income you expect to derive from a job will be minimal at best.
Friday, April 1, 2011
My Audience
Hik hik hik rasa malu lak, blog aku yang berusia 2 months nih dah ada followers and ada audience hik hik hik, terima kasih - terima kasih baca benda-benda merapu yang aku tulis dan dah gambar-gambar yang aku letak nih hehe, tapi kalau audience sony erricson 1% tuh aku aku sapa tuh hahaha (Che Wa)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Rambut sama hitam
Lama dah simpan citer ni, tak citer-citer gak pasal takder mood nak citer pasal my own stupidity and my weakness i trust people too easily.
Citer last december 2010, kat tempat aku cari rezeki, kat tempat cari rezeki jangan laa buat taik adik-adik and kawan-kawan sekalian pasal tempat cari rezeki biar lah halal biar lah berkat. Tak kisah nak ulat-ulat haha tapi pandai-pandai simpan and agak-agak laa jangan sampai effect performance keje and jangan sampai ganggu kerja orang lain.
So citer nya aku ada staff bawah aku and aku as a boss aku percaya staff aku, which again kebodohan aku, aku kesian budak tuh susah and miskin gaji kecik and selalu putus duit.
Citernya lagi aku bagi petty cash RM350.00 suruh pegi bank in dalam maybank account supplier company without suruh sign apa-apa, just bagi atas dasar percaya (kebodohan aku lagik) and lepas pada hari tuh almost everyday aku mintak bank in slip for proof payment tuh. Then budak pun start wayang dgn aku which aku memang dah rasa tapi aku nak tunggu (kebodohan aku lagik) sampai dia ngaku dia dah kebas duit, macam-macam alasan i.e: bank in slip tertinggal kat rumah, bank in slip tertinggal dalam kereta malas nak ambik and finally bank in slip dah bawak naik office tapi dah misplace (still kebodohan aku lagik aku nak budak tuh ngaku which is impossible for this kind of attitude) aku sabar and aku tahu dia kencing aku tapi (kebodohan aku laagik dan aku dgn harapan berharap dlm otak aku budak ni budak baik dan takkan tipu aku)
And then satu hari yang malang pada bulan feb 2011 dia cabut dari company and still aku call mintak bank in slip tuh dia cakap dekat aku duitnya dah bank in (penipu gila budak perempuan ni) until supplier call tanya payment and aku force diaorg bukti secara bertulis (for safety and security) yang diaorg tak terima duit dari company kami (bagi aku banyak keje pun satu hal)
Important lesson to me, dont easily trust people and especially when involved money!!!! so after that aku a bit down, menitik airmata aku minggu tuh. Haris pun dah nasihat aku suruh ignore jer budak ni, take it and nasihat aku handle it professionally. Tak guna kalau kita pun react back like monkey same like them useless. Haris ada cakap kalau orang perangai nya sebegini gembiranya tak lama dan tak kemana, hidupnya tak aman dan sempurna.
But problem aku bila boss aku sangat laa stubborn, lucky aku hold budak nih punya salary but then boss aku tak nak easily let this girl runaway, he sent out memo to this stupid lady to refund back to company the money within 14 days if not we lodge a police report. Tapi pasal budak ni pun masih muda dia cabar lagik so again buat aku pening at the end aku suruh boss aku potong gaji aku jer, tapi boss aku tak nak, so aku nih tersepit tengah-tengah.
Aku ngadu dgn mak, husband, abang aku, anak aku, and aku doa and sembahyang hajat, mak pun sembahyang hajat, abang pun, doa budak tuh pulangkan duit tuh.
Alhamdulillah syukur pada tuhan hari ni, dia suruh someone hantar duit tuh after my boss threat dia macam-macam which aku tak involved dgn benda tuh. (Aku pernah ckp dgn boss aku sekali which aku nak handle this problem professionally tak nak pergi rumah budak tuh atau pegi pukul budak tuh, for me if the girl is monkey, why me kena jadi monkey macam dia jugak, sorry different principal and different attitude) pity to that girl family she full of shit and nampak gedik also like so desperate, i also dont want to talk more about her because aku ada anak perempuan. Ya allah ya tuhan mintak dijauhkan.
Takper muka buruk kalau perangai cantik, tapi kalau muka dah buruk perangai pun buruk, i really dont know what to say.
Kita cari rezeki sama-sama, buat kerja betul-betul, set aim and mission kita, how far we want to go, which route we want to follow and choose, ini terpulang and terletak pada hati kita, insyallah tuhan tolong kita, tuhan uji kita pasal tuhan sayang kita, tuhan ingat kita, so kita jangan lupa tuhan, sentiasa bersyukur atas apa kita ada, jangan aniaya sesama manusia. Jadi insan yang baik, anak yang baik, isteri yang baik, ibu yang baik yer kawan-kawan.
"Life's not about the people who act true to your face. It's about the people who remain true
behind your back."
Citer last december 2010, kat tempat aku cari rezeki, kat tempat cari rezeki jangan laa buat taik adik-adik and kawan-kawan sekalian pasal tempat cari rezeki biar lah halal biar lah berkat. Tak kisah nak ulat-ulat haha tapi pandai-pandai simpan and agak-agak laa jangan sampai effect performance keje and jangan sampai ganggu kerja orang lain.
So citer nya aku ada staff bawah aku and aku as a boss aku percaya staff aku, which again kebodohan aku, aku kesian budak tuh susah and miskin gaji kecik and selalu putus duit.
Citernya lagi aku bagi petty cash RM350.00 suruh pegi bank in dalam maybank account supplier company without suruh sign apa-apa, just bagi atas dasar percaya (kebodohan aku lagik) and lepas pada hari tuh almost everyday aku mintak bank in slip for proof payment tuh. Then budak pun start wayang dgn aku which aku memang dah rasa tapi aku nak tunggu (kebodohan aku lagik) sampai dia ngaku dia dah kebas duit, macam-macam alasan i.e: bank in slip tertinggal kat rumah, bank in slip tertinggal dalam kereta malas nak ambik and finally bank in slip dah bawak naik office tapi dah misplace (still kebodohan aku lagik aku nak budak tuh ngaku which is impossible for this kind of attitude) aku sabar and aku tahu dia kencing aku tapi (kebodohan aku laagik dan aku dgn harapan berharap dlm otak aku budak ni budak baik dan takkan tipu aku)
And then satu hari yang malang pada bulan feb 2011 dia cabut dari company and still aku call mintak bank in slip tuh dia cakap dekat aku duitnya dah bank in (penipu gila budak perempuan ni) until supplier call tanya payment and aku force diaorg bukti secara bertulis (for safety and security) yang diaorg tak terima duit dari company kami (bagi aku banyak keje pun satu hal)
Important lesson to me, dont easily trust people and especially when involved money!!!! so after that aku a bit down, menitik airmata aku minggu tuh. Haris pun dah nasihat aku suruh ignore jer budak ni, take it and nasihat aku handle it professionally. Tak guna kalau kita pun react back like monkey same like them useless. Haris ada cakap kalau orang perangai nya sebegini gembiranya tak lama dan tak kemana, hidupnya tak aman dan sempurna.
But problem aku bila boss aku sangat laa stubborn, lucky aku hold budak nih punya salary but then boss aku tak nak easily let this girl runaway, he sent out memo to this stupid lady to refund back to company the money within 14 days if not we lodge a police report. Tapi pasal budak ni pun masih muda dia cabar lagik so again buat aku pening at the end aku suruh boss aku potong gaji aku jer, tapi boss aku tak nak, so aku nih tersepit tengah-tengah.
Aku ngadu dgn mak, husband, abang aku, anak aku, and aku doa and sembahyang hajat, mak pun sembahyang hajat, abang pun, doa budak tuh pulangkan duit tuh.
Alhamdulillah syukur pada tuhan hari ni, dia suruh someone hantar duit tuh after my boss threat dia macam-macam which aku tak involved dgn benda tuh. (Aku pernah ckp dgn boss aku sekali which aku nak handle this problem professionally tak nak pergi rumah budak tuh atau pegi pukul budak tuh, for me if the girl is monkey, why me kena jadi monkey macam dia jugak, sorry different principal and different attitude) pity to that girl family she full of shit and nampak gedik also like so desperate, i also dont want to talk more about her because aku ada anak perempuan. Ya allah ya tuhan mintak dijauhkan.
Takper muka buruk kalau perangai cantik, tapi kalau muka dah buruk perangai pun buruk, i really dont know what to say.
Kita cari rezeki sama-sama, buat kerja betul-betul, set aim and mission kita, how far we want to go, which route we want to follow and choose, ini terpulang and terletak pada hati kita, insyallah tuhan tolong kita, tuhan uji kita pasal tuhan sayang kita, tuhan ingat kita, so kita jangan lupa tuhan, sentiasa bersyukur atas apa kita ada, jangan aniaya sesama manusia. Jadi insan yang baik, anak yang baik, isteri yang baik, ibu yang baik yer kawan-kawan.
"Life's not about the people who act true to your face. It's about the people who remain true
behind your back."
Solve for "i"
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
9x-7i > 9x-21u
...-9. -9
-7i > -21u
-7. -7
i <3 u
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Her Hobby
Alya suka melukis, dia suka music, dia suka dgn instrument jugak, memang sejibun-jibun follow bapak dia, today only us kat rumah and abah kluar photoshoot. So alya ajak pegi mydin beli water color tapi dia panggil menatang (water color) tuh painting-painting.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Alya First Term Exam Result
Semalam ibu dan abah ke sekolah alya to attend teachers-parents meeting and collect her first-term exam result, cam biasa this is my first time dag dig dug aku lak gelabah hishh.
And alhamdulillah result dia okay lah, tapi balik abah nak rotan pasal teacher complain alya taiko kat sekolah garang giler haha and kalau buat exercise orang pertama habis ialah alya and dia sgt aktif teacher dia pun pening gak haha
And alhamdulillah result dia okay lah, tapi balik abah nak rotan pasal teacher complain alya taiko kat sekolah garang giler haha and kalau buat exercise orang pertama habis ialah alya and dia sgt aktif teacher dia pun pening gak haha
Salah eja itik dengan angsa apa dah
Monday, March 21, 2011
Alya Ketawa
Ibu sangat sayang ini budak, ini budak dgn ibu selalu bergaduh, tapi kami geng baik sebenarnya.
Model: Alya Nabilah binti Mohd Haris Shukri
Photographer: Mohd Haris Shukri
MUA: Anor (hikhik kekonon berangan)
Lighting: Mohd Haris Shukri
ececece berangan, copy facebook en haris
Monday, March 14, 2011
Secret Garden
My sister in law bawak balik last weekend suggest suruh tengok citer ni, eventhough hero bukan yang i suka which Lee Min Ho tapi okay, i like hehe, love story and funny pasal ada dongeng2 bangang which boleh lak ada scene switch body between hero and heroin. But for me apa-apa love story as long as citer to sweet aku memang layan punya haha, best. Ada 4 dvd sekarang baru dvd no 2, slow-slow kayuh tengok coz busy laa, bukan all the time boleh ngadap
Lagu OST dia sweet sangat title: Appear
Why, why, why and why, please go!!
Lagu OST dia sweet sangat title: Appear
What make you appear in my eyes
What always keep you appear
If I lie down and closed my eyes
Why is your face reminded
What always keep you appear
If I lie down and closed my eyes
Why is your face reminded
Why, why, why and why, please go!!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Japan Earthquake + Tsunami
Semlm petang, tgh busy2 kat ofis member message earthquake in japan, terrible giler i think the worst, dah laa japan tuh pun country dia memanjang so sepanjang pantai tuh semua kena hit by tsunami. So now wave tsunami in Japan tuh akan impact the nearest country including malaysia. So sesiapa plan picnic tepi pantai tuh postpone laa dulu. Scary!!!
Aku just terpikir, kami kat malaysia ni yang kecik kalau jadi mana nak lari, and then kalau tgk malaysia punya locatiom, malaysia nih dikepung oleh beberapa kepulauan besar baru sampai malaysia so bertapis jugak laa, tapi tuhan kata: kalau aku kata jadi maka jadi lah kan. Kalau tengok citer 2012 as semua tempat kat dunia nih dah nak di tenggelami air, country yang last sekali tenggelam ialah China, tempat paling tinggi. Even quran ada mentioned pasal China, menuntut ilmu sampai negeri cina kan, kot, entah.
So dunia dah tua, seems like pengakhiran, aku nih amal memang kelaut, so aku hope nak jadi mcm arwah ayah like ada satu lagu tuh: iman tak dapat diwarisi dari seorang ayah yang bertakwa. So aku kena usaha keras repair aku punya amal diri, so dunia jgn dikejar sangat.
So take care your love ones, bawak jalan, say to them you love them, enjoy moments together while we can, berbakti pada ibu bapa, and sentiasa memaafkan and meminta maaf. I'm sorry guys!! sorry friends!! sorry cinta!!
Aku just terpikir, kami kat malaysia ni yang kecik kalau jadi mana nak lari, and then kalau tgk malaysia punya locatiom, malaysia nih dikepung oleh beberapa kepulauan besar baru sampai malaysia so bertapis jugak laa, tapi tuhan kata: kalau aku kata jadi maka jadi lah kan. Kalau tengok citer 2012 as semua tempat kat dunia nih dah nak di tenggelami air, country yang last sekali tenggelam ialah China, tempat paling tinggi. Even quran ada mentioned pasal China, menuntut ilmu sampai negeri cina kan, kot, entah.
So dunia dah tua, seems like pengakhiran, aku nih amal memang kelaut, so aku hope nak jadi mcm arwah ayah like ada satu lagu tuh: iman tak dapat diwarisi dari seorang ayah yang bertakwa. So aku kena usaha keras repair aku punya amal diri, so dunia jgn dikejar sangat.
So take care your love ones, bawak jalan, say to them you love them, enjoy moments together while we can, berbakti pada ibu bapa, and sentiasa memaafkan and meminta maaf. I'm sorry guys!! sorry friends!! sorry cinta!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Ibu & Alya bila sengal
Kami memang sepanjang masa 2 orang, so kalau abah takder rumah, macam-macam laa benda mengarut kitaorang, paling confirm selalu buat bergaduh dua orang pastu baik balik or ambik gambar, boringkan duduk rumah seharian. Alya pulak suka buat muka pelik2 payah nak ambik gambar dia duduk diam dan senyum elok, ni link kalau dia dgn che waa dia pulak -->
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I'm touch
I'm talking about the guy that which almost everyone talk about: Chris Medina. I'm so touch with his new song. Start now this guy when i watched his audition in american idol. I think its true love and the women deserve this guy, my god i'm touch, really. Hard to get nowadays as my experience surrounded with lots of monkeys here but off course not my cinta still en haris. I cinta you encik haris ~eternity~
There's one film which the boyfriends suffered a brain cancer: Phenomenon, quote from a movie:'man'-"will you love me for the rest of my life?.'woman'-"no, I will love you for the rest of mine".
Today kita layan touching okay huhu
There's one film which the boyfriends suffered a brain cancer: Phenomenon, quote from a movie:'man'-"will you love me for the rest of my life?.'woman'-"no, I will love you for the rest of mine".
Today kita layan touching okay huhu
Monday, March 7, 2011
Me & McD
Banyak citer aku ngan McD ni haha, aku pregnant alya 9 months almost everyday aku telan McD. Kalau aku boring ker, sedih ker (chewahhh tambah lah ni kan), gembira ker, aku akan makan McD haha, entah apa-apa ntah, kalau dulu time akademi fantasi masa zaman zahid tuh before concert start beli McD dulu so nanti boleh nangis-nangis sambil makan McD haha mcm bangang jerk kan haha
Bandar Puteri Opening Soon
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Rumah Sewa RM50 Seksyen 2 Shah Alam
Today just come accross citer ni from blog kawan hubby, aku tahu citer nih dah lama gak, and citer pasal rumah sewa nih lama gak, masa en haris study PPP shah alam lagik, and masa aku duduk shah alam dlm tahun 2001. Cuma tak tahu rumah yang mana, so anyone interested nak tahu citer pasal rumah ni? atau berminat nak sewa rumah ni, and rumah ni wujud dan sewanya masih RM50, aku menaip nih pun meremang bulu roma aku. Copy from Deeb punya blog --> and dia copy pun dari facebook Edi Shokubutsu and kalau nak baca komen-komen pasal rumah ni -->
Monday, February 28, 2011
New Refrigerator
Semlm pegi jenjalan tetiba en haris berhenti kat Seng Heng. Pastu aku tanya naper hehe pastu tuh dia ckp beli peti ais baru untuk awak..wahhhhhhhhhhhh yeyeyeye. After 10 years, and the old one pun dah sangat-sangat lah uzurnya hehe, en haris buy me new one and this time 2 door and bigger size boleh masuk byk2 sgt sampah sarap yey!! lepas nih kena rajin2 masak laa dah ada peti ais baru kan, siap ada auto ice maker so tak yah dah nak susah buat air batu hehe kannn
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Mermaid with real legs
Bila rajin sampai 2 post in one day. Hari ni semangat ada lebih coz ada 2 ketul follower baru satu Cik Shida bff Si Che Wa and my babyyyyy keylinkshukry!!
So nak citer last week we went to Port Dickson, bawak mak and adik bongsu hidayah follow en haris photoshoot lagik, this time wayang gambar Mermaid. Same team: Eyoi Team Artistik and Apperture Addiction Team. Sangat best, gambarnya semua pun cantik and different!!
So nak citer last week we went to Port Dickson, bawak mak and adik bongsu hidayah follow en haris photoshoot lagik, this time wayang gambar Mermaid. Same team: Eyoi Team Artistik and Apperture Addiction Team. Sangat best, gambarnya semua pun cantik and different!!
I wanna sleep in different city every night
I like this song!!! really like it, cheeky and best, love it. En Haris cepat-cepatlah jadi billionaire jadi cover forbes magazine tau!! replace Mark Zuckerberg and replace Sean Parker Napster, Puan Anor nak duduk rumah and pegi gym hari-hari jer. I cinta you lah En Haris!!
Travie McCoy - Billionaire Lyrics featuring Bruno Mars
[Bruno Mars]
I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
buy all of the things I never had
uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
buy all of the things I never had
uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
for when I’m a billionaire
Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
for when I’m a billionaire
[Travis “Travie” McCoy]
Yeah I would have a show like Oprah
I would be the host of, everyday Christmas
give Travie a wish list
I’d probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt
and adopt a bunch of babies that ain’t never had sh-t
give away a few Mercedes like here lady have this
and last but not least grant somebody their last wish
its been a couple months since I’ve single so
you can call me Travie Claus minus the Ho Ho
get it, hehe, I’d probably visit where Katrina hit
and damn sure do a lot more than FEMA did
yeah can’t forget about me stupid
everywhere I go Imma have my own theme music
Yeah I would have a show like Oprah
I would be the host of, everyday Christmas
give Travie a wish list
I’d probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt
and adopt a bunch of babies that ain’t never had sh-t
give away a few Mercedes like here lady have this
and last but not least grant somebody their last wish
its been a couple months since I’ve single so
you can call me Travie Claus minus the Ho Ho
get it, hehe, I’d probably visit where Katrina hit
and damn sure do a lot more than FEMA did
yeah can’t forget about me stupid
everywhere I go Imma have my own theme music
Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
for when I’m a billionaire
oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire
oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire
Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
for when I’m a billionaire
oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire
oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire
[Travis “Travie” McCoy]
I’ll be playing basketball with the President
dunking on his delegates
then I’ll compliment him on his political etiquette
toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it
but keep the fives, twentys (?) completely separate
and yeah I’ll be in a whole new tax bracket
we in recession but let me take a crack at it
I’ll probably take whatever’s left and just split it up
so everybody that I love can have a couple bucks
and not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was
eating good sleeping soundly
I know we all have a similar dream
go in your pocket pull out your wallet
and put it in the air and sing
I’ll be playing basketball with the President
dunking on his delegates
then I’ll compliment him on his political etiquette
toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it
but keep the fives, twentys (?) completely separate
and yeah I’ll be in a whole new tax bracket
we in recession but let me take a crack at it
I’ll probably take whatever’s left and just split it up
so everybody that I love can have a couple bucks
and not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was
eating good sleeping soundly
I know we all have a similar dream
go in your pocket pull out your wallet
and put it in the air and sing
[Bruno Mars]
I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
buy all of the things I never had
uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
I wanna be a billionaire so frickin bad!
I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
buy all of the things I never had
uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
I wanna be a billionaire so frickin bad!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I already become one of his fan, i think his very smart and cool, my husband said he can a become a deejay because he loves to talk haha, what he said actually true & facts that happen in our surroundings. Good!! i like!! one of the video that i like --> ewwwwwwwwwww ;p
Friday, February 18, 2011
Alya Nabilah School Time
Walaupun lambat sebulan, nak cerita jugak, tahun nih alya start sekolah, its kindergarden laa but aku suka panggil sekolah, rasa best sikit. So near Bandar Puteri takder Tadika Kemas macam kat kampung-kampung so hantar alya to private kindergarden so fees dia riban-riban laa, untunglaa kau anak dulu arwah atuk hantar ibu tadika kemas jer tak payah bayar apa-apa.
So far everyday or every weekend mesti ada homework, after one month dia dah boleh eja suku kata: (Ba..Be..Bo..Bu..Bi..Be) boleh baca story Peter & Jane (I like peter, I like Jane, I like Peter and Jane), tapi everyday orang paling last masuk sekolah pasal susah bangun pagi, masuk sekolah pukul 8.00 sampai mesti 8.30, so mesti tertinggal subject pukul 8.00 to 8.30
Buat homework sekarang selalu nak kena teman, kalau tak dia tak buat, and kalau buat homework house rules kena tutup tv dulu hehe, so far alhamdulillah laa tapi kena banyak bersabar laa.
Beg sekolah kalau dulu satu jer, beg childcare sekarang ada 3 beg, beg childcare+beg sembahyang+beg sekolah, memang ada hari laa beg tertinggal 1 kat rumah, dah semua beg ibu yg pegang dia lengang-kangkung jer hisap botol
Ooo sekarang hisap botol dah tahu malu, so sebelum sampai sekolah dia akan minum2 cepat dlm kereta on the way sampai sekolah, sampai sekolah suruh cepat-cepat sorok, pasal malu
Hari ni ada dentist visit sekolah dia, so semua orang kena bawak cawan and toothbrush mcm kita masa kecik-kecik dulu laa
Menu dia lagik sedap dari yang ibu masak, somemore ada nasi ayam huh, ibu pun nak sekolah tadika laa camni
So far everyday or every weekend mesti ada homework, after one month dia dah boleh eja suku kata: (Ba..Be..Bo..Bu..Bi..Be) boleh baca story Peter & Jane (I like peter, I like Jane, I like Peter and Jane), tapi everyday orang paling last masuk sekolah pasal susah bangun pagi, masuk sekolah pukul 8.00 sampai mesti 8.30, so mesti tertinggal subject pukul 8.00 to 8.30
Buat homework sekarang selalu nak kena teman, kalau tak dia tak buat, and kalau buat homework house rules kena tutup tv dulu hehe, so far alhamdulillah laa tapi kena banyak bersabar laa.
Beg sekolah kalau dulu satu jer, beg childcare sekarang ada 3 beg, beg childcare+beg sembahyang+beg sekolah, memang ada hari laa beg tertinggal 1 kat rumah, dah semua beg ibu yg pegang dia lengang-kangkung jer hisap botol
Ooo sekarang hisap botol dah tahu malu, so sebelum sampai sekolah dia akan minum2 cepat dlm kereta on the way sampai sekolah, sampai sekolah suruh cepat-cepat sorok, pasal malu
Hari ni ada dentist visit sekolah dia, so semua orang kena bawak cawan and toothbrush mcm kita masa kecik-kecik dulu laa
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Testing recipe
Test recipe with adik masak mac & cheese, result sgt best walaupun tertuang oregano separuh botol. Its a collabration between puan anor and ms ida. Recipe google kat internet jer and result alhamdulillah boleh dimakan hehe. Tapi peserta yang makan hanya 2 orang, aku and ida. Yang lain semua nak muntah haha pasal diaorang tak suka makan cheese
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Photoshoot: B-witched at Ukay Perdana
If ada orang jaga alya, me for sure akan ikut en haris photoshoot, today dekat ukay perdana, theme ahli sihir celup hehe, kesian tinggal si alya tapi takut dia penat pasal if photoshoot selalu nya whole day kat tempat shooting so sgt-sgt penat.
Kalau photoshoot scene-scene diatas memang biasa, terlangkup tertonggeng ternganga
Same team: Eyoi team artistik and apperture addiction and team just this time ada special appearance chewah hahaThursday, February 10, 2011
Bicara Pusaka
1st trip pegi - Main game dulu
Tido kesejukan
2nd trip balik kl
adik bongsu aku hidayah
dpt selipar and kasut baru, tokey crocs adik aku belanja
Balik pekan sekejap untuk bicara hal pusaka, arwah ayah tak banyak tinggalkan harta which aku tak kisah pasal arwah ayah byk tinggalkan ilmu untuk kami adik-beradik. So cerita pasal hari tuh bahagian aku, aku dah let go pasal aku dah ada rumah sendiri dekat bandar puteri and aku lebih penting kan adik bongsu aku dan mak aku jer. So beginning hakim just tanya kami semua adik beradik yang hadir dan mak, mahu procedure secara faraid atau muafakat. Kalau faraid cara pembahagiannya mengikut cara islam pembahagian harta pusaka mcm suku bahagian, separuh bahagian. Kalau maufakat dia atas tolak ansur laa persetujuan bersama. So kami memang dah decide dari awal dan pilih cara muafakat laa, so harta arwah ayah at the end hanya di bahagikan pada mak dan hidayah sahaja adikku yg aku sayang.
Ooo lupa balik pekan this time naik bas, mabuk gak naik bas pasal dah lama tak naik bas and pasal alya tak pernah naik bas, so she's so excited dpt naik bas even baru turun bas lepas 5 jam dlm bas ajak naik bas balik, pening tul anak aku ni
Monday, February 7, 2011
Photo shoot theme recycle
Amelia and Nazri

Behind the scene
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Balik Kampung During Chinese New Year
Mcm biasa balik hanya 2 orang aku and alya, habis tengok rossi immediately drive balik pekan, rushing before 5pm sebab takut bertembung orang balik keje takut jem. Tapi rabak laa mata drive pasal kepenatan pasal morning half day berpanas dekat sepang circuit tgk motoGP winter test, petang drive 5 hours balik pekan, 2-3 kali berhenti pasal mata tak larat, bertolak dari rumah bandar puteri pukul 4 camtuh sampai kul 9pm. Alya sampai penat dlm kereta tanya ibu dah sampai belum, dah sampai ke belum ibu haha. Balik kampung pun pasal nak tengok mak jatuh tulang jari kaki dia terkeluar dari tempat asal, kesian mak dah laa tinggal sorang, mcm-mcm jadi kat mak, nanti laa citer pasal tuh, spoil my mood jugak citer pasal idiot yg hati nya busuk dan bullshit bertopeng. Kat Kampung mcm biasa keje kami makan tido makan tido hehe tak gi jalan mana2 pun, pegi kubur hari dah nak balik, berat hati nak tinggal kan mak, mak nangis pasal mak lonely. Alya pun ckp jugak: Ibu, wan nangis pasal dia nak atuk dia, atuk dah meninggal ibu, kesian wan ibu, me: touching, yer laa alya. Ajak mak duduk ngan aku dia tak nak, aku selalu doa takper tuhan duga aku lebih asal dia bagi kesenangan, ketenangan dan syurga untuk kedua ibu bapa ku =(
Thursday, February 3, 2011
MotoGP Winter Test 2011
Pegi tengok my rossi winter test at Sepang 2nd Feb 2011, diaorang test 3 days but i only manage pegi on the 2nd day, 1st day keje. So excited dpt tgk rossi and sgt best pasal tak ramai orang coz ni testing jer. Unfortunately at the end of the day my rossi not performed well enough as Casey Stonner topped the timesheet on the first MotoGP test day huhu, nevermind i support Ducati more, love u rossi!!
Bersungguh wave kat rossi, lucky dia perasan and wave back, omg i rasa nak pengsan wakaka
they'll to fast, as i pakai phone utk snap, so byk gambar semua buntut ajer laa
message behind haha i nak tunjuk new shoes hehe
My first rossi off course

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